Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. By identifying patterns of disharmony within the bodies energetic system and then applying individual or combined therapies of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine.
TCM is holistic in its approach to treatment and seeks to treat the whole person and ascertain the root cause of the problems rather than the symptomatic of Western allopathic medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, still widely practiced today throughout the world. It is a unique and independent medical system which originated in China and continuously developed over the centuries. The system was adapted by other south and north East Asian countries including Japan, Korea, Vietnam etc. Over the past few decades acupuncture especially has seen a tremendous growth in the public popularity in the West. Many western countries such as Australia, USA, Canada, UK and parts of Europe are starting to embrace TCM and acupuncture is becoming available in mainstream healthcare system for pain relief etc.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treats a number of issues and approaches treating ailments from a holistic perspective. A variety of symptoms are treatable such as pain, IBS, colitis, infertility, neuropathy, arthritis, insomnia, stress and depression. TCM can treat chronic and/or acute problems as well.
Polo Health + Longevity Centre
711 Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC V3M 1B1
Located in the Heart of New Westminster, BC
and proudly serving Vancouver and the
entire lower mainland,
T: 604-544-7656
F: 604-544-7657