Reduce Stress and Enjoy the Real Spirit of the Holidays.
By Francesca Tomas
There are lots of distractions at this time of year. However, the real celebration of the holidays occurs when family, friends, and communities get together and share quality time. Try to simplify your preparations, minimize your stress, and maximize your enjoyment of this really special time.
Do less, enjoy more
Rethink your holiday habits. Be more selective this year if you normally overdo it with the shopping, cooking, sending cards, and going to every event. Focus more on the enjoyment and celebration and less on the minutia.
Don’t try to be perfect
Stop obsessing over making everything perfect. Focus on enjoying the people in your life. Don't worry about the small stuff and your holiday will be much more enjoyable.
Don't focus on "the perfect Christmas day." It's a day to relax with your family or friends. Spend some time being present.
Be Present
Remind yourself "It's one day." For just one day, relax and be happy. Don't worry about debt, work, or anything else. It's one day, so just enjoy it. Today's moments are tomorrow's memories. These days will be your children's childhood memories and your memories of them as children.
Eat and Drink Mindfully
Enjoy the holiday decorations, the special dinner, and the holiday baking. Try to eat and drink within your concept of moderation.
Think Positive
Don’t focus on any bad behavior around you. Celebrate with your family and friends even if they stress you out. You can't control what others say or do. You can control how you react. React calmly and smile. Commit to optimism and you can cope with the temporary challenges.
Be Grateful
Focus on the positive. Focus on what's going right in your life. Be aware of what you have to be grateful for.
Appreciate the Thought Behind the Gift
Keep your focus on thoughtfulness and caring instead of material goods. Open your presents with no expectations. It doesn't have to be an item that was on your list. Say something appreciative about everything. It’s the thought that counts.
Be a Giver
Give your time, items, or cash donations to people who have less. Sharing goods and goodwill brings us all together in the spirit of the holiday season.
I hope that all of you have a very Happy Holiday!
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©Francesca Tomas 2015
Photo Copyright: citalliance / 123RF Stock Photo