Is Colon Hydrotherapy for me?
You’ve heard of Colon Hydrotherapy….yet don’t really know what it is. Or, maybe you have never heard of it. Most people cringe the first time they hear about it. Yet by the time they have heard the words ‘colon hydrotherapy’ three times, often their curiosity is piqued and they start to wonder….hey, maybe that would help me! My mission is to educate people, just like you, about colon hydrotherapy – what it is and what the benefits are for you.
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Just as the name implies, colon hydrotherapy is a safe and gentle cleansing of the colon (or large intestine) using body-temperature purified water. The water flows in and out of the colon, softening congested material and then flushing out the accumulated waste and toxins. The process is administered by a professionally trained and certified therapist. Your privacy is always respected, and most people find this to be a relatively comfortable experience.
The colon is one of the main channels of elimination of toxins from our body. In our world today, we are exposed to many sources of toxins – from the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe -eg: vehicle exhaust for one, medications, food additives, and the list goes on and on……..so many harmful chemicals. It is important that our colon be clean and functioning optimally, to be getting rid of this onslaught of chemicals that are all around us in our society. A lot of toxins end up in the colon, and colon hydrotherapy is an extremely beneficial detoxification method.
Who is it for
People come in for colon hydrotherapy (also called a “colonic”) for a variety of reasons. Certainly a fair share of people with less-than-ideal bowel function seek it out, and do find relief and improvement, ie: constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, IBS, yeast overgrowth, parasites, etc. Many others choose to use this process as an aid to cleansing. Whether following a structured cleanse, a weight-loss program, or simply cleaning up the diet by eating only clean, whole foods, colon hydrotherapy helps to rid the body of unwanted toxins. Other reasons include skin rashes/conditions, lack of energy and for pre-colonoscopy preparation.
How I can feel after
People report feeling more hydrated, lighter, cleaner, improved bowel regularity, more energy, mental clarity, clearer skin, and an overall sense of well-being. Many people say it is like a RESET for health. An added bonus is that it also makes people feel more aware of their ‘insides’, and aware of what they are putting into their body.
About myself
I am now in my 10th year of practicing Colon Hydrotherapy, and it has been such an incredible gift. It was over 20 years ago that I first received a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions for myself, and it literally changed my life. After decades of a constipation tendency, I finally found out how vital, light and alive I was supposed to feel! I have never looked back and still have colonics in a maintenance way. And as a colon hydrotherapist, I feel grateful and fulfilled every day as I assist and support others in being able to free themselves up to live their lives with a renewed sense of vitality and well-being.
Susan Kinross, Certified Advanced Colon Hydrotherapist National-Board Certified